I’ve been working real hard on my newest website, itscheese.com.  Unlike 90% of the websites I build, this one is for me and not for a client.  Pretty much the website is an experiment to see if I can make money from online advertising with google ads.

I started by making a list of 100 things I’m interested in.  I only got about 62 things on the list before I ran out of things.  It’s a lot harder making a list of 100 things that your interested in than I thought it would be.  Of those 62 things, I narrowed it down to 3: vermiculture, cheese, and learning languages.   I started building a vermiculture website, but didn’t get too far.  (I haven’t given up, though.  I’ll probably buy some worms for my worm bin this fall.)  Not sure why I picked cheese over languages.  I think it was because I thought there were too many language learning websites out there already.

I started work on the site June 30th.  I had the site up on the internet on July 11th.

Then it happened.  On the evening of July 29th, my site made its first 18 cents.  I was so excited, I called up Jacki, who was scrapbooking at a friends house.  She was very kind and pretended to be excited with me.

So, I’m not rich yet.  The site was live for 19 days before it made its first 18 cents.  That’s about 3 and a half bucks a year I’m going to make at this rate, but maybe if I’m lucky the site will earn money more quickly.  We’ll see.  My initial goal is to work real hard at it until the end of October.  At that point I will re-evaluate the site to see if it’s worth continuing to work real hard at.

It has been fun reading about cheese.  I now know about 10 times more about cheese from what I’ve learned in the last month or so.  Right now I have 32 different cheeses in my cheese guide, and I’m adding a few more cheeses every week.   And I have one cheese review.  Jacki and I had some friends over and we tried the imported Afuega’l Pitu that I ordered online.  It was good stuff.  It was also the most expensive cheese I have ever bought, but I bought it with my business checking account so I can write it off at the end of the year.  It was good stuff.  I wrote a review about it on my website.

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