Today has been a pretty good day. The boys were so good this morning, getting ready for church. I didn’t have to scream at them once to behave. We actually got to church early, which made me very happy. I should do that more often. Today was fast and testimony meeting. I leaned over to Kyle and asked him if he wanted to go up and bear his testimony. His eyes get watery and my heart breaks. I tell him that he doesn’t have to go up, I just wanted him to know that he could if he wanted. He told me he was scared and would maybe try next month. I said that was fine and ended it, only to have him lean over and tell me he didn’t know what to say. I told him that I would help him and he decided he would try. I got all teary eyed and tried to have him ask Kent to take him. I didn’t think I would make it through his testimony and mine. I didn’t make it. I was blubbering before he was finished. I was so proud of him. I love how close to the spirit little children are and how simple their faith is. Oh, so happy. Well, the rest of my day was about as much fun. I actually took a long nap today to, so I’m pretty chipper. Hope everyone had a good day too. Luv ya lots!
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February 4th, 2008 at 3:04 pm
Why is this stuff in Spanish??? Are you learning a new language in your spare time? Glad you had a great day. Hallie bears her testimony every month, and it is always great. I am glad that she isn’t a scaredy cat like me.
February 5th, 2008 at 8:45 am
That is so wonderful to teach your kids things like this. You’re such a good mommy Jacki. I just love you!